Saturday, July 25, 2009

It's The Weekend!

Whoa, today has been an exciting day! Today didn't start as planned, but we are on God's mission trip, he isn't on ours. We were suppose to go to the orphanage, but at this time of year the children go and stay with families. God had a reason for us to stay, the water filters! So we started working on the filters. God has really set up a plan for those filters. What once started out as a dream, has now become reality, through God. Its crazy how things are working out. After we did that for a couple of hours we were ready to go to the city. So we all piled into the van and drove to the city! The first place we went to was a bank, we all exchanged our money for Mexican money. We then drove to a random house and went in. In the house we all went to a back room , and there was a jewelery shop! It was full of silver and stuff. It was really strange because it was in a house. After spending a while in the house/shop we left to the market place. At the maket place people try to speak to you and you don't know what they are saying. Everything costs less, and Mexican music makes you want to dance. Pretty much you can get anything cheaper then the price it says. People on the team bought things like rings, shoes, rabit feet, braclets, head bans and such. After looking at spanish buildings and table shops we went out to eat. We drove to some place that had mexican food. I had a steak while other people had tacos and quasdillas. Over all the day was really fun. Read some more tomorrow to see what we are doing next. Thank you. Bye!

Pray requestes and praises:
Chico is doing better.
Please pray for Monty and Ann's back.

Jacob Baker


Megan Marie said...

Thanks for the post, Jacob..I very much enjoyed reading it! :)
I'm so sorry you weren't able to go to the orphanage..but God's will is best:) but glad you all could work on the filters! I am so excited about how far thas will go! :)
hehe...we went to that little house with jewlery last year was a bit weird..but there is some neat stuff there!
sounds like you guys had a grreat saturday and time in the city! can't wait to hear about what you guys do tomorrow for church!! :)
praying for you all as you start you second week!!
i love and miss you guys:)
megan marie :)

Unknown said...

Hooray for a break from work and a chance to enjoy the city! May your Lord's Day be restful!

P.S. Kelly, the other night Ty and I were talking and then all of a sudden..."We miss Kelly!" :(

Mrs said...

I'm pretty much echoing that "we miss Kelly" bit!

Jake, I knew it was you posting before I read your name. :-D Hope you guys got a lot of pictures of the things you described in the city!

SO glad Chico is feeling better.

Cheryl said...

Jacob I loved your sentence, "We're on God's mission trip!" Yes you are! Thanks for being the hands of feet of Jesus. Updates are very informative, allow us readers to be there with you!

Kate said...

Yay for weekends and trips to town! =) I'm glad to hear about all the work getting done with the water filters, also! I'm looking forward to hear what you all got to do today (and every day!) =)

I've been missing you guys a lot today!
Stay safe! Love you all!

Mama Yates said...

Seems I am always a day behind...
Glad to hear from you Baker :) Kaley was so excited about the shopping trip haha..sounds like it was a good time..Miss you all..

Mama Yates

Kim H. said...

Hey guys! Thanks for writing all the posts! I am really enjoying reading them... and even dreaming that I'm in Mexico helping Mrs. Rigel cook! :) One more week to go! Stay strong, encourage one another, stop and pray, and listen! James and I miss you all!

Anonymous said...

We miss you too Kimberly!!!!
- Josh H.
P.S. Love you tons!

Matt said...

Thanks for the update Jake! Hope the weekend was relaxing and quite enjoyable! It's really cool that you see and realize that this is God's mission's trip, no one else's!

Glad to hear you all were able to work on the filters! Sorry you were not able to go to the orphanage. That's a bummer. But it is cool to see what God is going to do with these filters!!

Take care y'all! Try to avoid any other sickness, dehydration, and being under falling objects ;)
You kids stay safe!