Thursday, July 23, 2009

Cement Lungs...

...That’s what I have. Probably cement lungs by now. For the past three days I have been shoveling, and accidently inhaling cement like nobody's business. I'm very much a fan of my job...Cement is a cool thing.

I did however get a fantastic mask today so that I wouldn't inhale anymore cement powder. I'm a fan of that mask too.

Well yes, cement work. That's what a significant portion of the first half of our day consisted of. There was a bunch of us on cement detail, a group building small "kangaroo cages" *which are really crazy looking keep-the-cement-from-cracking contraptions*, and some people, namely Josh, welding.

Today there was also a bet. Chico bet Monte that we could get a certain amount of work done by lunch time, and Chico said that if we get it all done, Monte has to make us smoothies. Monte agreed. We finished it. We're getting smoothies tonight. I'm pumped.

And guess what ELSE we did? Guess where we got to go?? Guess what was the highlight of my week, month, and possibly year? We got to go to the brickyard! All the kids I had to leave behind last year, I got to see again! It was incredible. It's still surreal. I got to see so many of those precious little children I wasn't sure I'd ever see again.

*Jessie, Hannah gave your letter to Jasmine. Her reaction was the most precious thing I've ever seen. Nothing in the world was more important or more precious to her than that letter. Oh yes. And I got to hold America and Angelita all afternoon(:*

Ok, back to what we DID at the brickyard...We went to help Allison, the missionary who works with the people at the brickyard with a VBS she was putting on. We did crafts, sang songs, had snack, played, watched skits, learned Bible verses...It was really neat to see. These kids really are interested to hear about the Bible, as are their mothers. They really do listen, and care about what’s being said. It's awesome to see them all taking in God's word like that. Everything ran smoothly. It was a really cool, and different experience from last year.

When I asked what else happened today, Daniel said to tell you all that a bunch of the guys unloaded over Eleven TONS of cement today. That’s an impressive number. Whoa.

Last night, Josh B. Daniel, and Chico found a tarantula. That was pretty cool.

What I'm learning about even more this year is the vastness of God's kingdom. His plans and visions for His world expand SO much farther than we could ever comprehend. Its really incredible to see how great and how far his love reaches. It amazes me more every day.

And now, my memory is failing me-as far as the recollection of any interesting happenings go... It’s been a long week. And my mind is going…Haha. Enjoy the pictures. We’ll check back with you soon!
For the team

Things to pray for are..

-Continued safety and health for the team (Praise! Jacob is back 100%)
-That the VBS at the brickyard would be effective, and reach a lot of hearts.
-That we would be a light where ever we go.
-Praise! We got the right bucket size for the water filtration project.


Unknown said...

Oh my! I'm so glad that Tali called and woke me up! It gave me a chance to check for an update. Oh, and I wasn't disappointed!
My eyes are filled with tears as I read (and re-read) a certain paragraph written for my heart.
Thank you, Aleah. Thank you, Hannah. Thank you, Jesus.

I love you all. I'm so proud of you and excited about how God is working in and through you. Stay strong!

Kate said...

Aleah, I'm so happy to hear from you! Congratulations on a successful day at the brick yard, guys! I'm so excited you all had such wonderful experiences with the kids and VBS! I'm sure God has big plans for you all there, bigger than you know!

I'm glad to hear you guys got smoothies! And a tarantula?! Holy cow! Did you play with it? =P

Keep trusting God to give you the strength and the love you need to make a difference!

I love you all! <3

Megan Marie said...

thanks for posting today, aleah:)
awhh..loved the pictures..its so great to recognize most of the faces!! Isn't it great going back the second time..seeing those kids again..and having them remember a feeling like no other..I loved it!
So your not filling buckets of gravel/dirt this year?! ;]
yay for smoothies!
oh me goodness..eleven tons..thats crazy!!
Im so glad VBS went so well! how encouraging!!
can you believe it..almost a week has past already..enjoy every moment and soak in as much as you can!
I'm praying for you guys!!
Love you, Aleah!
megan marie :]

Mrs said...

Aleah, thank you so much for your informative post! I think all of us doubled our prayer efforts for VBS yesterday. Praying especially for hearts and minds to open to His faithful love and salvation!

Leave it to Chico to find a contest in a work day. =)

Much love and prayers to all! (Especially to a blue-eyed girl whose name rhymes with BELLY)

Raquel said...

Well, El Chico DOES always win! I'm sure the smoothies will be great after a hot day of work!

Anxiously awaiting every post!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the blog entry Aleah. God is definitely great! I hope things went well today with VBS at the brickyard. We are continuing to pray for all of you.

David R.

Tali Rose said...

Jessie had told me about this post, but I just got a chance to read it for myself. Wow! God's hand was certainly at work bringing each and every one of you to the Brickyard. My heart aches a bit as I remember the children that I met, the hands that I held, the hearts I pray I touched. Each picture brings a bit of a lump to my throat and the thought, "I was there! I loved that place, those people!" You are home now, but may all of you remember forever the days you spent in Chihuahua, and the lives that you touched. Don't think the mission is over; God never stops working.