Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Today we woke up early in the morning to do devotions, eat breakfast and work. We were greeted with a beautiful sunrise, and a cool breeze. Everyone was ready to work on time so we set to the task of making cement and pouring it into the trenches which were dug before we got here. It was a grueling job and it involved people who had to scoop dirt into buckets and then others would dump the buckets of dirt into the cement mixer. While another guy dumped cement mix into the mixer. Then from there we had guys who would position the wheelbarrow under the mixer, and get a load of cement. From there we dumped it into the trench which was a foundation for the gymnasium the missionaries are building.
Aleah saved Monte's life! While Aleah and Monte were cleaning up cement mix, they had an encounter with a rattlesnake! Monte ran off, came back with a shovel and sliced off its head, Aleah ended up keeping the rattle. No one was hurt, thankfully.

Some of the team went to look for river sand for the water filtration project. Unfortunately they did not find any, and ended up using the sand we had on the ranch. Then Kelly, Chico, Josh H., Hannah, Ann, Aleah, and I with supervision from J Bass cleaned the dirt which would go into the water filters. We cleaned the dirt by stirring the dirt in a bucket with water, then draining it out and repeating the process over again for hourse until Bastion decided it was clean enough.

This afternoon we were invited to play soccer again and this time we had the MK's and their Dad's V.S. the Mexico team. We had a lot of fun!

Then at our team meeting this evening, we celebrated my Moms Birthday! I made a card and had everyone sign it, then we at cookies, and cake.

I have been learning a lot in the few days days we have been here, I think one of the greatest things I learned on this trip so far is that I need to submit myself to authority even if I don't have respect for that person, because it is an opportunity to show love to that person.

Please pray for:

Jacob Baker as he got dehydrated, the praise though is that after we prayed he was doing way better.
VBS Tomorrow at the brickyard from 3:30-5:30pm that it would go well, and the kids would get to learn alot.

That while we work that nobody will get hurt and that we will have enough strength to get through the work with joy and stay hydrated.

-Zach Rigel


Kate said...

I've been waiting up for this one! It's 1am here now =P Another day of work that went by rather successfully, congrats! I hope no one else gets dehydrated though!

Happy birthday, Mrs. Rigel! I hope you had a wonderfully special day!

I miss you all so much! You are all in my prayers, especially tomorrow as you hit the Brick Yard! I am confident in God's plans for you all as you all minister to the people around you.

Love you lots!

Kate said...

p.s. I'm surprised you ever got the sand "clean enough" =P

DaDaHaZaReJe said...

Thanks for the update Zachary. Keep working hard and have fun. I'm glad you celebrated Mom's birthday. We will continue to pray for all of you!

David R.

Matt said...

Thanks for the update Zach!

I think Aleah should get an award or something! Wow, cleaning that sand must have been a fun process :P but glad you were able to use something because no river sand was found.

Hope everyone is keeping safe and healthy otherwise! Glad to hear Jacob is doing better.

Take care y'all and I especially hope you all have a great time tomorrow at the Brick Yard and are able to show God's love to all of them!

p.s. Happy Birthday Mrs. Rigel!!!

Mrs said...

Great update, Zach! Thanks! I have learned something new . . . washing dirt. =) Who would have known?

Praising God that Jacob is better and Monty is unharmed!

Unknown said...

Aleah's bringing home a rattle? Woah.
I'm looking forward to hearing all about the water filtration system - how it works and how it will affect the brickyard.

Happy birthday, Mrs. Rigel!

Take these hugs --> HUGS! <-- to the brickyard today?

Anonymous said...

I am glad that Jake is doing better too. I am sure lots of people there are taking care of him and giving him good advice. We love you, Jake!
Happy belated birthday, Dawn.
It is good to hear the updates and everyone gets their hand in it. So many perspectives.
My prayers are with you all and your work.
Kathy B

Kim H. said...

Yea! It sounds like you guys had a productive day! I hope you have a great day at the Brick Yard with VBS and the water purification project. I'm praying for all of you!

Unknown said...

VBS is going on RIGHT NOW. How cool is that? You'd better believe I'm praying!

Mama Yates said...

Well, I am glad that everyone is doing ok now. Honestly, I am surprised I haven't seen Kaley's name on the dehydrated/snake list..j/k hahaha Love you baby :)
I am glad things are going ok for you all...
Much love and respect,
Mama Yates

p.s. Happy Birthday Mrs. Rigel :D

Anonymous said...

Hannah didn't try to catch the snake? Just kidding! Love you!


Megan Marie said...

wow...i remember those cement making days..:)
nice..what a grrreat souvenir for aleah to bring home..:] glad they didnt get bit. surprised bastian said the dirt was clean enough..;] fun!!
Im still praying for you guys..and thinking about you all throughout the really..throughout the whole day! :)
love you all/megan marie :)
p.s...happy belated birthday mrs. r! :) I hope you had a grreat day! ohh..if someone from the team reads this..tell mrs.r that I thought about her tonight when I ate an oreo:) especially when I ate they yucky white stuff..then the cookie! :] i love you!