Monday, June 9, 2008

Day 9 according to eSnyder.

Don't put copper wire in cement toilet seats.
Don't get between Josh Bastian and his three daily showers.
Don't feed the bunny Airborne.

We got up and ate the breakfast. I fixed a cement toilet with the all-purpose contruction adhesive. I carried around an old toilet seat all day. We played volleyball and ate the spaghetti. Today was the day.


Okay, seriously.

I love Mexico and the people.

God is teaching me to be intentional about every moment of every day. God has placed me in each situation for a reason, so I want to be aware of what is going on at all times. There are no accidents with God. I want to seek after the face of God no matter the cost.

I do not seek knowledge for the sake of knowledge. Knowledge is merely a side benefit of understanding and worshipping my Savior, Jesus Christ.

Prayer requests:

Monte has to take the van in to the shop Wednesday morning. Pray for a quick fix.
Praise: Josh Bastian is feeling better.
Pray for unity, strength to finish the work week, and focus on why we are here.


P.S. And now it is time for Spanish songs with Snyder:

"Yo tengo un amigo que eSnyder, eSnyder, eSnyder,
Yo tengo un amigo que eSnyder;
Su nombre es eSnyder."

...Did everyone have fun singing?!


Mrs said...

Yes, I had fun singing! Except my version went:

yo tengo un amigo que te amo
y su nombre es eSnyder!

Praising God for answered prayer in the Josh B department!

I woke early to leave one last message. Thanks for the reminder, Snyder, to seek God and His will for each moment.

Besos para todo, y Tyler, te amo!

DaDaHaZaReJe said...

Matthew Snyder you are a nut!! One of my favorite nuts in fact :-)

Now would someone please translate for my poor Spanish deficient brain?

Love what God is teaching you!!!!! We are definitely praising God that Josh is better and will be praying for that van.

Kaley Yates said...

Thank you, Snyder, for that laugh. and the pointers. Bastian takes three showers?! That is insane! haha. God is teaching you so much. It is exciting to see that happen in you. I am glad to hear that the shower man is feeling better, and that the van is going to the shop. I hope they can fix it quick! Vans are very handy in the driving department.

Well. I am going to go paint my room. Praying for the van!
Much love, Kaley.

p.s.- I sang the song, but I didn't know the beat, so it sounded bad.. And let Brett know that Demi Lovato was amazing!! Thanks. :]

Anonymous said...

It's a Snyder!!! Thanks for the post man and the song:). Hopefully all is going well down there aan ya'll are enjoying yourselves!!!