Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 3- Brickyard!

Hey guys,

So today, Josh B, Kate, and Ann were up on scaffolding painting metal beams while the rest of the team put up drywall. It rained a little this morning! The weather was beautiful to work in! Everybody is working together well and getting a lot done.

Today was the first day at the brickyard and it was an amazing experience. We got to the Brickyard and met the kids, sang songs, had a lesson and made a craft that tied into the lesson. We prepared food for the kids and some of the parents of the Brickyard and tried our best to communicate with the kids.

It was incredible to see where these kids live and what little they have. Yet, they are all so happy and excited to be alive. I was wondering how these kids who have almost nothing and drink water that is filled with parasites could be so thankful. We have so much and we get all wrapped up in our everyday lives that we forget to be happy and thankful for everything God has given us. I realized that I get caught up in the task at hand and keep God out of the picture instead of having God as my main focus in everything I do. It is so easy for us to get side-tracked on worldly things that we lose focus of God and we are not able to love like God has called us to love. I am so thankful for everything God has been showing our whole team. And, I'm excited for what is to come.

Prayer requests:

-Ann and Kate's back that they will be strong and not have any problems.

-Pray that the team can get enough sleep to be able to keep working.

-Continue to pray for team unity.

-Pray for VBS at the Brickyard and that we can relate to the kids and overcome any language barriers.


Matthew Icardi said...

Thanks for the update Johnny boy! And those last two photos are priceless.

Unknown said...

I want to be at the Brickyard right now!
Is it just me, or does Jasmine look just like her mom - so grown up!

Mrs.W said...

Ann and Josh look great in the roof picture!! Great update Johnny! I appreciated all the news that was in Kelso's, too. We are so grateful for any info that you all share with us. We love you all and are praying!

Mrs said...

Jasmine has changed so much, but it's still her!

Praying for all your requests!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great update! How fun to see the kiddos at the brick yard again! Praying for all ya'll!
Love, Kim and James

Raquel said...

Thanks for the update! We will keep praying! :)

Mr. Rigel said...

Thanks for the update Johnny! I'm glad things went well at the Brickyard. It is certainly good to get a perspective on how some of the rest of the world lives. We definitely take way too much for granted. We are soooo blessed!

Tali Rose said...

Johnny, thank you for reminding me what it's like at the Brickyard, what it truly means to be thankful.