Friday, August 28, 2009

Umm... oh yeah! We made it back. :)

I suppose it sounds kinda silly now, a month later, to inform everyone that we made it back safely. I hope you haven't been worried we got stuck in the Bermuda Triangle or kidnapped!

Everything on the way home went well. We arrived back in Orlando to a large banner and group of cheering and adoring fans, or families I suppose. They were laying in wait for us at the airport right when we came to baggage claim. It surprised us all, in a good way of course. :)

God did sooooo much! I have received word from the missionaries about how much they miss us already! (they were glad we left though because they got to eat our left over ice-cream hehe)

The Lord really blessed us financially this year and at the end of the trip I had plenty of cash left over. We were able to spread out and donate over $1000.00 dollars to the many missionary families we spent time with. Every year I find as cheap as possible ways for us to do this trip. This year Dawn Rigel, our cook and buyer, was able to feed our entire group for 11 days for around $800! Incredible!

Another God provided, guided, and empowered trip! We had a team follow up meeting last week and it was neat to see how they had each become better friends, how what they learned in Mexico is applying to their life here, and how God has given some of them new direction!

Below are a couple pictures and a video slideshow I wanted to share with you. Thanks for all your support and prayers through this whole journey with us. I can't wait till next year. ;)
- Josh Harris


Mrs said...

Ahhh . . a taste of what's to come on Sunday at the Mexico presentation! So looking forward to it!

Praising God for so many things from this trip - the work accomplished, safety, spiritual growth. God is so good.

Raquel said...


Unknown said...

Mexico videos and stories never get old!