Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Lord is brining in the money!

We are excited to announce that at our first big fundraiser of the year we raised
$1,176.05! All of this will go straight into our team fund to help each person get to the individual goal for the trip of $1,050.
This fundraiser was our annual Chili-Cook-Off where about 150 people showed up and had their fill of 26 different Chili's. Families and even students made and entered their own Chili recipe into a contest. Congratulations to Samantha Gann, David Stephens and Kathy Baker for winning their categories! Thank you to all who helped, entered Chili, and to our judges!

Well, on to our next big fundraiser... our annual Yard Sale! It will be held at the Welsh home on April 10 and 11 from 8am-3pm both days. WE NEED STUFF TO SELL! If you can rummage around the house and garage and gather up items to donate give us a call. It's easier to raise money when we have lots of good stuff to sell. :)
You can bring it to church or straight to the Welsh's home from now until April 8. Call me or Joanna Welsh before you bring it in though.
Then, tell everybody to come and shop on the Yard Sale days! And, be praying that God will wow us once again with amazing financial provision through our efforts.
Josh Harris

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