Friday, May 23, 2008

Benefit Concert Offering

We took up a special offering at our recent benefit concert and were able to raise over $100 to go toward medical supplies for the brickyard.

We will buy supplies to take with us and put in the hands of New Tribes missionary, Allison and the local church. Then they can give out medication as the families of the brick yard may need it.

We are excited about being able to minister to the physical needs of these people we met last year.


1 comment:

Mrs said...

So excited! This week is "prepare for Mexico" week at our household.

During Sunday's worship, we sang the words:

Savior, He can move the mountains
My God is mighty to save
He is mighty to save

I can't help but marvel at the "mountains" God has moved to make this trip possible for so many. I can't wait to see the mountains He'll move in Mexico!